2.1 What is a Fax?(什麼是傳真)
Fax (abbreviation of facsimile) is a process by which fixed graphic material including pictures, text, or images is scanned and the information converted into electrical signals which are transmitted via telephone to produce a paper copy of the graphics on the receiving fax machine.
Fax machine (abbreviation of facsimile machine) is a device that can send or receive pictures and text over a telephone line. The fax machine translates a picture into a series of zeros and ones (bit map) that can be transmitted like normal computer data.
translates the zeros and ones back into dots, and reprints the picture. A fax machine consists of an optical scanner for digitizing images on paper, a printer for printing incoming fax messages, and a telephone for making the connection. Some printers on fax machines are thermal, which means they require a special kind of paper.
2.2 The Layout of a Fax(傳真的格式)
To: (the name of the receiver)
Fax: (fax number)
From: Your Name
Date: 5/15/2006
Pages: total number of pages
Deer Mr./ Mrs.,
Yours sincerely,
Your name
2. 3. 1 Example one: Invitation to a conference (邀請參加會議)
To: Mr. Conrad Smith
Fax: 1-403-5561772 Tel: 1-403-5561771
From: Cuo Yan
Fax: 8621-65547880 Tel: 8621-65547881
Date: 9/10/2(105
Number of pages to follow: 1
Dear Mr. Smith,
We’ll hold a conference on Learning English as a Second Language in Shanghai, China on the 25th of November 2006. You’ll be invited to join the Conference if you’re interested in it. Please contact us before November 1st as we can prepare a formal invitation letter for you.
Best regards!
Guo Yan
2. 3. 2 Example two: About an urgent sales issue 緊急銷售業務的傳真
Fax: Tel:
From :
Fax: Tel:
Date :
Number of pages to follow:
Several weeks ago, you requested information on our line of printers and we were pleased to send you our brochure.
Perhaps you have additional questions about the printer we offer. To help you make the right decision, we ate enclosing a sheet that answers the most commonly, asked questions about our line.
2. 3. 3 Example three: Turning down an offer 拒絕對方報價
Fax : Tel :
Fax : Tel :
Number of pages to follow:
Thank you for your offer of 20th November for 10, 000 sets of photocopier.
We regret being unable to make use of goods as the price you ask is above the market level here for the quality in question.
The copiers supplies here covering the same brand are not of the quality we have expected for the price quoted.
Yours sincerely,