2009年8月2日 星期日

美麗境界 (A Beautiful Mind)

A Beautiful Mind
(Drama/Biography) (2001)
© 2002 by Raymond Weschler

This learning sheet is produced by Raymond Weschler from eslnotes.com. The Chinese part and extra exercise was written by Wen-ling Chen from the Language Center, National Central University, Taiwan. If you copy from this learning sheet, please acknowledge the source. Thanks.

Major Characters

John Nash……………………………………………………………….Russell Crowe
One of the greatest mathematical geniuses of the 20th century, who won the Nobel Prize in 1994, studied and taught at Princeton University, and suffered from the mental disease of schizophrenia
for most of his adult life (See note on schizophrenia below).

Alicia…………………………………………………………….…………….Jennifer Connelly
John beautiful, intelligent and loving wife who stayed with him through decades of marriage, from the 1950s to after 2000, despite the difficulties of living with a person with severe mental illness.

Parcher……………………………………………………………..………….Ed Harris
An agent of the US government who convinces John to help break secret Soviet codes, in order to prevent a horrible nuclear attack on the United States (Note: Parcher is not really who he appears to be).

Charles………………………………………………………………………….Paul Bettany
John roommate at Princeton who studied English literature
(Note: Like Parcher, John is not really who he appears to be).

Martin Hansen………………………………………………………………Josh Lucas
A brilliant math student at Princeton and colleague of John
who later becomes head of the Princeton math department.

Dr. Rosen……………………………………………………………………….Christopher Plumber
A psychiatrist in Boston who identifies John Schizophrenia
and helps him and Alicia to live with the disease.

Plot Summary

This film is the true story of John Nash, one of the great geniuses of the 20th century, who was famous for both his theories in math, and for the fact that he suffered from schizophrenia. The movie follows Nash amazing life from the time he arrives at Princeton University as a young, brilliant and noticeably odd West Virginia math student, until his life as an old man who has won the Nobel Prize. Over the years, he becomes recognized as a unique intellect whose theories have greatly influenced not only mathematics, but various other academic areas from economics to biology. And as of this writing in 2002, Nash is still alive, and still teaches at Princeton.

The focus of this movie is on Nash struggle with the terrible illness of schizophrenia, which began to effect him while a student at Princeton in the early 1950s. Afterward, his brilliance led to a teaching and research position at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the world famous university in Boston. There, Nash disease began to grow worse, but fortunately for him, it was also at MIT that he met Alicia, a brilliant math student of his own. The two fell in love, and while Alicia did not discover his illness until after they married, once she realized how sick her husband was, she did all she could to take care of him, herself, and their new son.

With great determination, John Nash was able to successfully fight back from the delusions that are a large part of schizophrenia, and while he never was able to get rid of the disease completely, he became an honored member of the Princeton community. In some ways, his life is a truly fascinating window on the still unclear relationship between genius and madness.

A Brief Note on Schizophrenia: Many people used to think that schizophrenia was a mental disease marked by plit personality,” which exists when one person seems to have two or more completely different personalities. In fact, most people who have this mental illness do not have that condition, but they do suffer from such things as inability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions, or relate to others. Most seriously, schizophrenics can suffer from hallucinations (eeing things that don really exist”), as well as a fundamental and unpleasant change in how they experience basic emotions, incoming sensations and even themselves. In short, this is a terrible illness that can take away a person ability to lead a normal life, though fortunately, it has become more and more treatable.

A Brief Note on the Language of Advanced Mathematics: Throughout the film, there is frequent reference to many of the abstract mathematical theories that John Nash and his colleagues were working on, including in such specific areas as quilibrium points, manifold embedding, Brouwer's fixed point theorem, Riemann's functional equation hypothesis” and other bizarre topics that only the most sophisticated mathematicians could truly understand. In general, the glossary below chooses to ignore most of that language, since it is probably not worth your time as ESL students. Regardless, and like most people, I don know what most of it means!….
本片中的數學詞彙:由於本片敘述的是數學家John Nash的生平故事,片中不斷出現一些高階抽象的數學理論用語,這些專業名詞除了數學專家之外,一般人並不了解,也不會用到。因此,在接下來的生字、句子講解中,並不會提到那些名詞。

A Brief Note on Princeton and MIT:

Most of the film centers around John life at two of the best Universities in the United States. Princeton is located in the small town of Princeton, New Jersey, about an hour from New York City. When John arrived as a young student in the late 1940, Albert Einstein was still a professor there (He died in 1955, having been at Princeton for nearly 20 years).

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, known by most as MIT, is perhaps the most prestigious school of technology and applied sciences in the world
(In the film, John taught for a few years at a defense department center at MIT called the Wheeler Institute). MIT is located just minutes from Harvard University, in Boston, Massachusetts, which probably has more excellent universities than any city in the world.
普林斯敦大學位於美國紐澤西州,距離紐約市一小時。當John Nash在普林斯敦就學時(一九四0年代),愛因斯坦仍在此處任教(愛因斯坦死於一九五五年,他在普林斯敦大學待了將近二十年)
麻省理工學院,也就是大家所熟知的MIT,是世界知名的科技與應用科學重要學府,它位於美國麻州的波士頓,和另一知名學府哈佛大學僅有幾分鐘的距離。John Nash在麻省理工學院任教過幾年,也同時在校園中國防部所設立的惠勒研究中心工作。

Some Words and Expressions that You May not Know

John Nash arrives at Princeton, meets his lesser genius
classmates, and his curious roommate Charles.
John Nash初到普林斯敦大學

Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes(密碼)….and built the A-bomb(原子或核子彈).
A ode” is a secret set of symbols that only certain people can understand. The -bomb” is short for an atomic or nuclear bomb.

The stated(設定的、對外宣稱的) goal of the Soviets is global communism.
If a goal is tated,” it is officially announced. After World War 2, many in the Western Capitalist countries feared that the Soviet Union would try to take over the world by spreading their form of communism.

To triumph(勝利,在此當動詞用), we need results. Publishable(可以被學術刊物刊載的), applicable(實際可應用的) results.
o triumph” is to beat an opponent. If results are ublishable,” they are good enough to be printed in academic or scholarly journals, and if they are pplicable,” they have a practical use.

Who among you will be the next Morse(摩斯,摩斯密碼的發明者), Einstein….
the vanguard(先鋒、領導者) of democracy, freedom and discovery?
Morse was famous for having invented the orse code,” which was a series of short sounds by which messages were sent through wire in the 19th century. The anguard” of a social movement are the first people who promote it, before it becomes popular.

Today, we bequeath(傳給《後代》) America future into your able hands.
To equeath” property is to hand it legally down to the next generation, often in the form of a will.

It not enough that he won the Carnegie scholarship(獎學金).
A cholarship” is a gift of money that is given to allow people to study at a university or other educational institution.

It the first time the Carnegie Prize has been split(頒贈給一個人以上) and Hansen is all bent(生氣;不高興).
If a prize is plit,” it is divided between two or more people
(If a person is ent out of shape,” they are angry or upset; ent” alone, which means twisted or curved, is no longer used for angry).

Nielson, symbol cryptography(破解密碼法).
The study of codes and how to break them so they can be understood.

Neil here broke a Jap(Japanese,日本的《現今本字含有種族歧視的意味,但在六0年代十分常用》) code; Help rid the world of fascism(讓世界免受法西斯主義之苦).
ap” is now considered a racist word for Japanese, though it was common up through the 1960s. o rid the world” of something
is to help eliminate it (et rid of” is more common).

The burden(負擔) of genius…..so many supplicants(懇求者) and so little time.
A urden” is a great responsibility or problem that is carried.
A upplicant” is a person who has or begs with humility or respect.

Nice is not Hansen strong suit(強項《整句意指Hansen不知道如何對人好》).
A person trong suit” is the skill that they are good at
(A funny way of saying that Hansen doesn know how to be nice).

I imagine youe getting quite used to miscalculation(計算錯誤).
A iscalculation” is a mistake in solving a math or other problem.

Ie read your pre-prints(論文出版前的定稿《過時的用法,現已不使用》) on nazi ciphers and non-linear equations…
A re-print” is a dated academic term for a paper before it has been published.

...and I am supremely confident that there is not a single seminal(原創的) or innovative(創新的) idea in either one of them.
If an idea is eminal,” it important and original. If an idea is nnovative,” it a new way of thinking that has not been done before.

Enjoy your punch(一種稍含酒精的果汁).
A popular fruit drink at parties, which often contains alcohol.

The prodigal(揮霍的、闊綽的) roommate arrives!
An educated word for a person who spends and wastes
lots of money, and who was often spoiled as a child.

Did you know that having a hangover(宿醉) is not having enough water in your body? It not enough to run your kreb cycles(精力儲存《生物學名詞》).
A angover” is the horrible feeling people have the morning
after they have drunk too much alcohol. A reb cycle” is a term
for energy storage that is used in biology.

I got in time for English Department cocktails(雞尾酒).
An iced alcoholic drink that is popular at parties.

You are not easily distracted(分心), are you?
If a person is istracted,” they can concentrate on what they want to because something else is bothering them or has gotten their attention.

Is my roommate a dick(怪人)?
A funny adjective for a jerk, idiot or in certain contexts, a penis.

You the poor kid who never got to go to Exeter or Andover(兩所麻州著名小學,許多有錢父母將小孩送到這兩所學校,以確保其往後進入著名大學。)? ::
Despite my privileged upbringing(名貴出身), I actually quite well-balanced.
Exeter and Andover are two famous preparatory schools in Massachusetts that the children of the rich attend in order to get into the best universities. If a person has had a rivileged upbringing,” theye been raised in great wealth, often with an excellent education.

I have a chip on both shoulders(對過去發生的事耿耿於懷).
If a person has  chip on their shoulder,” they are bitter or
angry about something that happened to them in the past.

Maybe youe better with integers(數字) than you are with people.
An nteger” is a mathematical word for a number.

Why? With all your obvious wit(機智) and charm(魅力).
A person it” is their ability to be funny. A person harm” is the quality about them that attracts, interests and delights other people.

I can waste time….memorizing the weak assumptions of lesser mortals(不夠聰明的人).
esser mortals” is a funny but snobby way of referring to
people that the speaker feels are not as intelligent as they are.

Ie played enough Go(一種東亞傳來的棋賽) for one day. :: Come on, I hate this game.
o” is a famous board game from East Asia.

I hoping to extract(引出《原理》) an algorithm(阿拉伯數字演算法) to define their movement.
o extract” is to remove or pull out forcefully. An lgorithm”
is a step by step process for solving a mathematical problem.

A popular slang word for a person who is crazy.

I thought you dropped out(退選、休學). Ever going to go to class?
o drop out” of school is to quit, or to decide to no longer go.

Classes will dull(使蘤w) your mind and destroy the potential for authentic creativity(原創力).
o dull” a person mind is to make them less intelligent or creative. If something is uthentic,” it is genuine or true, and reativity” is the ability to think, create or make things in new and different ways.

Nash is going to stun(使人驚奇、震驚) us all with his genius.
o stun” a person is to shock or overwhelm them.

He doesn have the nerve(勇氣、膽量) to compete.
If a person doesn have he nerve” to do
something, they don have the courage to do it.

Terrified, mortified(害怕)... stupefied(驚駭), by you.
If a person is ortified,” they are scared to death. If they
are tupefied,” they are so confused that they feel stupid.

No starch(《給衣服》上漿), pressed(燙平) and folded.
tarch” is a powder used with clothes to make them flat or stiff, and
if clothes are ressed,” they are ironed to be flat without wrinkles.

Adequate(還不錯) work...without innovation(原創性). :: I flattered(受寵若驚).
If work is dequate,” it is satisfactory, but it is not that good. nnovation” is anything that truly new or original. If a person
is lattered,” they feel good after having been complimented.

Ie got two weapons briefs(報告) under security
review by the D.O.D(國防部). :: Derivative drivel(毫無創意的胡言).
A rief” is a short paper, and if it is under ecurity review,” it is being read to see if it needs to be kept secret. The D.O.D.” is the Department of Defense. If a paper is erivative,” its ideas were taken from elsewhere and it is not original. rivel” refers to words that are nonsense or make no sense.

What if you never come up with(想出) your original idea?
o come up” with an idea is to think of it or create it.

How will it feel when I chosen for Wheeler(惠勒研究中心《位於麻省理工校園,是許多高材生夢想的工作環境》) and youe not?
In this film, Wheeler is the name of a Defense Department institute
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where many very
smart people would love to work.

The hubris(自負) of the defeated. :: The game is flawed(有瑕疵).
ubris” is too much self-confidence or ego. If something is
lawed,” it is imperfect or has a built-in mistake or problem.

John awkward moments with women triggers a major
breakthrough in mathematics, game theory and economics.
John Nash的不擅與女孩交際卻意外地幫助他突破學術的困境

Hanson just published another paper and
I can even find a topic for my doctorate(博士論文).
A octorate” is a major paper or thesis that is written for a Ph.D. degree.

This is a cluster of pigeons(一群鴿子) fighting over bread crumbs.
A luster” is a group of the same things that are close together (houses, birds, etc). A igeon” is a horrible type of common bird.

John, you watched a mugging(搶劫). :: In competitive behavior, someone always loses.(John Nash目睹搶案卻不去阻止,因為他認為只要是兩方的競爭,必定會有一方弱勢而輸局)
A ugging” is the act of one person physically attacking another, often in order to steal their money. Behavior that is ompetitive” is done to beat another person, usually in a game, or in the market place.

If I could derive an equilibrium where prevalence is a non-singular event, where nobody loses….(整句為John Nash想研發出一套平衡理論,使得兩方皆是贏家。)
This is John mathematical talk. o derive” is to take or obtain
from a specific source. quilibrium” is balance or equality between
two sides, and revalence” is frequency.

….can you imagine the effect that would have on conflict scenarios(戰爭預測報告) and arms negotiations(武力協定)? On currency exchange(貨幣匯率)?…
A onflict” is a war or contest between two sides, and a cenario” is any future possibility. Arms negotiations” refers to the act of trying to limit the number of weapons that each side has. urrency exchange” refers to the value of money in terms of the money of another country (dollars, pounds, francs, etc)

You have no respect for cognitive reverie, you know that?
ognitive” refers to the mind or intellect, and everie” is the
act of daydreaming or thinking intently about something.

Fortune favors the brave! Bombs away! (幸運會眷顧勇敢的人,現在是採取行動的時候了。《第二句是俚語用法》)
The first sentence is a way of saying those with courage will get what they want. The second sentence is slangy way of saying that it time to take a risk and try (in this case, to try and meet a pretty girl).

My odds(機會) of success dramatically improve with each event.
dds” is another word for chances or possibility.

This is going to be classic(經典).
If something is lassic,” it will be remembered for a very long time.

I don know exactly what I required(必須) to say in order for you to have intercourse(性交) with me, but could we assume Ie said all that?
o require” a person to do something is to force or oblige them to do it. ntercourse” is a very formal word for sex (i.e. ...sexual intercourse).

Essentially(基本上), wee talking about fluid exchange(體液的交換), right? :: Have a nice night, asshole(罵人的粗語)!
ssentially” is another word for basically. In this context, luid exchange” refers to the bodily fluids (semen, vaginal fluids) that come into contact during sex. sshole” is a very strong insult word for jerk, bastard, creep, etc.

It very clever(聰明), but I afraid it not good enough.
An important word meaning intelligent, skillful or ingenious.

Ie been working on manifold embeddingy bargaining strategies are starting to show some promise(顯現出潛能).
If a scientific theory hows promise,” it has been shown to have great potential in the future.

If you could just arrange(安排) another meeting with Professor Einstein?
o arrange” a meeting is to organize it or make it happen.

What do you see, John? :: Recognition(肯定).
ecognition” is the act of recognizing or acknowledging
a person for the things that they have accomplished.

John, you haven focused(專注)!
o focus” on a problem is to concentrate on it, without getting distracted by other things.

Up to this point, your record doesn warrant(保證) any placement at all.(整句的意思為:到目前為止,你的表現根本不可能讓你進入任何的研究機構)
o warrant” is another way of saying to deserve or merit
(In this case, a placement or assignment at a research institution).

Jesus Christ(天啊!), John.
A common way to express emotion such as surprise or anger.

I can keep staring(凝視) into space!
o stare” at something is to look at it intently, without turning away.

Don mess around(鬼混)!
o mess around” is to waste time or not take something seriously.

Bust that worthless head wide open(敲碎、敲破)!
o bust open” something is to violently break or
shatter it. If something is orthless,” it has no value.

Goddamn it(該死!《生氣時說的粗話》), Charles! What the hell(用以強調的情緒用語) is your problem?
oddamn it” is a crude way of expressing anger. he hell” is added
to WH questions to express emotion such as anger or frustration.

That Isaac Newton fellow was right! He was on to(正要發現某個重要理論) something.
If a person is n to” something, they are in the process of
discovering or realizing something of great value or importance.

Nash, you might want to stop shuffling(《如洗牌一樣地》翻動、移來移去) your papers for 5 seconds.
o shuffle” papers is to continue passing them form
one hand to the other, often because of nervousness.

Shall we say swords(劍), gentlemen? Pistols(手槍) at dawn?(十八世紀時邀人決鬥時說的話)
A word” is a weapon with a long blade for cutting, and a istol” is
a type of gun. This is the way people in the 1700s would speak when proposing a duel or battle between two people.

Recall(回憶) the lessons of Adam Smith, father of modern economics.
o recall” something is to remember it.

n competition, individual ambition(企圖心) serves the common good.”(本句為Adam Smith所言,他認為個人企圖心可使資本主義順利運作)
mbition” is the desire to achieve a goal. This was Adam Smith way of saying the capitalist system worked well for society as a whole even though individuals only try to help themselves.

And those who strike out(失敗) are stuck with their friends.
o strike out” is to fail doing something
(To strike out in baseball is to fail to hit the ball).

You can lead a blond(金髮女郎) to water but you can make her drink.(全句為一英文諺語,但lond’ 原為orse’)
The original expression is ou can lead a horse to water…”

He may have the upper hand(佔上風) now, but wait until he opens his mouth.
If a person has he upper hand,” they have the competitive advantage against others.

Adam Smith needs revision(《將文章或思想》修改).
A evision” is a change or modification of a writing or idea.

They will all give us the cold shoulder(對我們十分冷淡) because nobody likes to be second choice.
To give a person he cold shoulder” is to coldly reject their social, romantic or sexual advances or proposals.

That the only way we all get laid(《與非配偶之人》性交《俚語用法,現十分常用》).
To et laid” is a slangy and very common way of saying to have sex, usually with a person you are not married to.

If this is some way for you to get the blond on your own, you can go to hell(罵人的粗話).
o to hell” is a crude but softer insult than uck you.”

You do realize that this flies in the face of(和《某理論》相矛盾、相牴觸) 150 years of economic theory?
If a scientific theory lies in the face” of another one, it completely contradicts or goes against the other one.

That rather presumptuous(傲慢的、膽大妄為的), don you think?
A good word which means to presume too much, often in a arrogant or overly confident way, or to overstep appropriate boundaries

Mr. Nash, with a breakthrough(突破;a breakthrough of this magnitude指如此重大的突破) of this magnitude(巨大、重要性), I confident you will get any placement you like.
A reakthrough” is a major advance in science, and agnitude” is another word for size, strength or intensity.

Sol and Bender are extraordinary(傑出的) mathematicians.
A very useful adjective meaning exceptional, or perhaps substantially better or more distinguished than almost everyone else.

Has it occurred to you(突然想到;something occurs to you指你突然想到某事) that Sol and Bender might have plans of their own?
If something ccurs to you,” it means that you suddenly think of it, without others bringing it to your attention.

OK, awkward(不自在、不舒服) moment, gentlemen.
Another useful word meaning socially uncomfortable or embarrassing.

John joins the government in the fight against Soviet terror,
and begins his troubled life as a professor at MIT.
John Nash成為麻省理工學院的教授,也開始加入對抗蘇聯恐怖組織的秘密工作。

General, the analyst(分析師) from Wheeler Labs is here.
An nalyst” is a researcher, scientist or person who studies or analyzes complicated data or information.

Wee been intercepting(截聽) radio transmissions(收音機傳送的訊息) from Moscow.
o intercept” a message is to secretly get access to it in order to listen to it or read it. adio transmissions” are messages sent through the air.

The computer can detect(探查出、破解) it, but I sure it a code.
o detect” something is to see, recognize or understand it.

Wee developed several ciphers(一種密碼), if you like to review our preliminary data(最初的資料).
A ipher” is a type of secret code. reliminary” means initial or first, and ata” refers to any kind of statistics or countable information.

These are longitudes(經度) and latitudes(緯度).
The first is the distance West or East from Greenwich, England,
and the second is the distance North or South of the equator.

They appear to be routing(傳送) orders across the border into the US.
o rout” an object is to send it to a particular destination.

Gentlemen, we need to move on(採取行動) this.
o move on” something is to take action on it.

Who big brother(指監視控制人民的獨裁政府《出自美國作家George Orwell 的小說「一九八四」,現已是十分常見且普及的用法》)?
An expression from the book “1984” that refers to a government agent that spies on people to make sure that they are following orders.

Captain Rogers will escort(陪同《並含有隨護之意》) you to the unrestricted area(非管制區域), doctor.
o escort” a person is to accompany them, often to provide protection or company. If an area is nrestricted,” anybody is allowed to go there.

Home run(原指棒球中的「全壘打」,在此指「做得好!」「十分成功」) at the Pentagon(五角大廈)? :: Have they actually taken the word lassified(機密的)” out of the dictionary?
A ome run” is a term from baseball that means the hitting of a ball out of the ballpark, but it more generally means a great success. Note that ctually” often means, as here, truly. If something is lassified,” it kept secret from all except a very few people who need to know.

Our hearts go out to you(我們深感同情), John.
One way of expressing sympathy to someone after something very bad has happened to them.

We just got our latest scintillating(很有趣的) assignment(任務、作業).
If something is cintillating,” it is extremely interesting or intellectually stimulating or lively. An ssignment” is a particular project, task or job.

The Russians have the H-bomb(氫彈), the nazis are repatriating(將人遣送至…)
South America, the Chinese have a standing army of 2.8 million…
The -bomb” is a hydrogen bomb, which is a powerful nuclear weapon. o repatriate” an area is to fill it with people.

…. and I doing stress tests(壓力測試) on a dam(水壩).
A tress test” is designed to see how much pressure a building can take before it damaged. A am” is a giant structure for holding water.

So not only do they rob me of the Fields Medal(一個十分有名的數學獎項), they put me on the cover of Fortune Magazine with these hacks(劣等文人), these scholars of trivia(不重要的學者)…
The Fields medal is a very prestigious prize awarded for work in math.
A ack” is a writer who claims to be doing serious work, but is
only writing for commercial success. A cholar” is a serious researcher, and rivia” refers to unimportant facts or details.

Come on, you know the drill(操練). You get these beautiful facilities(設施) and MIT gets America great minds of today teaching America great minds of tomorrow.
In this case, he drill” is the routine things that a person is expected to do over and over. A acility” is a building that is used for a special purpose, such as a hospital or school.

The eager(求知若渴的) young minds of tomorrow.
If a person is ager,” they have impatient desire or interest.

You may complete your assignments at your whim(任何你想做的事).
To do something t your whim” is to do it whenever you want
(A person whim is a sudden or unplanned desire).

I was wondering if(客氣地請教,請求他人時所用的句型) there was any way you could work some place else for about 45 minutes.
This is an excellent way to gently ask a person something that might
be awkward or embarrassing (including to ask someone on a date).

For others among you, it will take you the term of your natural lives(你一輩子的時間).
A formal way of saying s long as you live.”

Impressive(令人印象深刻的) work at the Pentagon(五角大廈).:: Yes, it was.
If something is mpressive,” it has the power to make a lasting impression, or to excite or attract. he Pentagon” is the huge five sided building that houses the US military headquarters.

We incinerated(燒掉) 150,000 people in a heartbeat.
o incinerate” something is to burn it to ashes.

Great deeds(行為) come at great cost.
A eed” is a formal word for an action that is done.

Conviction(信念), it turns out, is the luxury of those on the sidelines(球場的邊線).
Here, onviction” is strong belief in a principle or idea. The idelines” refers to the side of a field where players stand and watch the game. This is Parcher way of saying those who are directly involved in war cannot always be true to their beliefs.

I like to think it because I a lone wolf(喜歡獨來獨往的人).
A person who likes to be alone.

There are certain endeavors(努力)where your lack of(缺少) personal connections would be considered an advantage. (整句意思是Parcher認為John Nash沒什麼親人朋友在他從事的情治工作上應是個優點。)
An ndeavor” is a serious or determined effort to accomplish something. A ack of” something is a shortage or absence of it.

We were told during our initial meeting that these warehouses(倉庫) were abandoned(遺棄).
A arehouse” is a large building, often used for storing lots of stuff.
If a building is bandoned,” it is no longer occupied by people.

I increasing your security clearance to top secret.(我將你處理的文件提升到最高機密文件) Disclosure(洩漏) of secure information can result in imprisonment. Get it?(懂嗎?)
A ecurity clearance” is official approval to see secret documents that a government or organization wants kept secret. If something is op secret,” it can only be seen by an extremely few people. isclosure”
is the act of revealing something secret or unknown to others. et it?” is a very common way of asking a person if they understand.

A faction(一派) of the Red Army(蘇聯的紅軍)… has control of the bomb, and intends to detonate(引爆) it on US soil(領土).
A action” is a small part or group from a bigger whole. The ed Army” refers to the army of the old Soviet Union. o detonate” a bomb is to explode it, and oil” is another word for ground or territory.

The plan is to incur(造成) maximum civilian casualties(百姓的死傷).
o incur” is a formal word meaning to cause, or bring down on oneself. ivilian casualties” are deaths among people who are not part of the military.

Man is capable of as much atrocity(殘暴的行為) as he has imagination.
An atrocity is anything that is extremely cruel or brutal.

New Freedom(蘇聯間諜組織) has sleeper agents(混入欲破壞國家的恐怖份子) here in the US.
leeper agents” are spies or terrorists who quietly live in a country and blend in with the population, but who may eventually strike violently (ew Freedom” is the name of a Soviet spy military group).

McCarthy(1950年代一位美國反共議員) is an idiot(白痴), but unfortunately, that doesn make him wrong.
Joseph McCarthy was a famous anti-Communist Senator of the 1950s. An diot” is a stupid, ignorant or uneducated person.

New Freedom communicates to its agents through code embedded(藏在) in newspapers and magazines...and that where you come in.(這就是我們需要你的原因)
If a code is mbedded” in newspapers, it is hidden deep within
the articles of the paper (To embed is to place within). hat where you come in” is a way of saying” and this is why you are involved.”

What distinguishes(與眾不同) you, is that you are, quite simply, the best natural code breaker(解碼者) Ie ever seen.
o distinguish” a person is to set them apart from others, often because of their exceptional talents. A ode breaker” is a person who can understand how a code works in order to understand the messages within it.

Commit(將……記住) this list of periodicals to memory, scan(掃描) each new issue, find any hidden codes, decipher(解讀) them.
ommit to memory” is a way of saying to memorize. o scan” something is to read it or go over it very quickly in order to find the most important parts. o decipher” a code is to find out how it works in order to understand the messages within it.

Pulse(心跳、脈搏) 88, regular.
A person ulse” is the regular beating measured in their arteries
(for example, just below their hands), which is caused by the heartbeat.

He just implanted(植入) a radio diode(傳送訊息的裝置).
o implant” something is to place it inside, in this case inside John arm. A adio diode” is a type of device used to send messages through the air.

The isotope(化學名詞,同位素) decays(腐化) periodically(一段時間). As a result, these numbers change over time.
An sotope” is a type of atom, to ecay” is to fall apart or
crumble, and eriodically” means occasionally over time.

Theye the access codes(密碼) to your drop spot(留下你要交的物件的秘密地方).
An ccess code’ is a secret series of numbers or letters for opening a locked door, box or other container. A rop spot” is a secret place where a person is supposed to drop off or leave something.

Alicia comes into John life, and soon the genius is married.
Alicia進入John Nash的生命中,不久他們便結為夫妻。

Your solution is elegant(優點), though on this particular occasion, ultimately(最後) incorrect.
legant” means graceful or dignified, and ltimately” is a common way of saying in the end.

Table for one, Prometheus(是希臘神話中的人物) alone chained to the rock, with the bird circling overhead. You know how it is.
Prometheus is a famous character in Greek mythology who was
known for being chained to a rock, as John describes above.

You and the Governor(州長).
A overnor” is the political head of the 50 individual US states.

Practice human interaction(社交) and social comportment(社交). :: That a plan.(就這麼做!)
Both uman interaction” and ocial comportment” are fancy ways of saying to be social or friendly with other people. hat a plan” is a common way of saying a plan of action is responsible for a good idea.

I don believe in luck. But I do believe in assigning value to things(給事物訂立價值).
o assign” a value to something is to state or assume that it has a specific worth, such as a number like 100, or a monetary value like $5.

You are exceptionally(非常) odd(奇怪).
xceptionally” is a strong adverb meaning very or extremely.
dd” is a useful little adjective meaning strange or bizarre.

I find that polishing(改善) my interactions(人際交往的技巧) in order to make them sociable(擅於社交的) requires a tremendous(很大的) effort.
o polish” a skill is to refine it or improve it. An nteraction” is the act of communicating with another person. ociable” means friendly or comfortable with others, though social is much more common. remendous” means with great intensity or strength.

I have a tendency(傾向) to expedite(使……快速) information flow by being direct(直接).
A endency” to do something is a general likelihood that you
will do it. o expedite” something is to make it go faster.

I find you attractive(迷人的). Your aggressive moves(直接的表示) toward me indicate you feel the same way.
ttractive’ is a useful word for pretty, handsome or pleasant. In this case, ggressive moves” are direct ways of suggesting to a person that you like them.

But still, ritual(禮教儀式) requires us to continue with a number of platonic(柏拉圖的、精神戀愛的) activities before we have sex.
A itual” is any kind of ceremony or custom, which usually dates back for many generations or longer (such as going on several dates before having sex).

I am proceeding(繼續) with those activities, but in point of actual fact, all I really want to do is have intercourse(性交) with you as soon as possible.
o proceed” with something is to continue doing it.
ntercourse” is a very official way of referring to sex.

Are you gonna(going to) slap(給某人巴掌) me now?
Note that oing to”----> onna” in rapid speech.
o slap” a person is to hit them with an open hand.

I attempting to isolate(分隔、抽離) patterned reoccurrences(經常發生的規律模式) with periodicals(期刊) over time…
o isolate” something is to separate it from other things. atterned reoccurrences” is John way of referring to patterns that repeat themselves. eriodicals” are magazines, like Newsweek and Time.

I shouldn pay no mind(過時的用法,意指ㄙ`意’ ,即現今的 to not pay attention to) if youe mean to me.
o pay no mind” to another person is to not pay attention tothem (though note that this expression is a bit old-fashioned).

I took her in(接受她).
If you ake in” a person, you allow them to live with you and often you agree to take care of them.

I at Harvard, doing the great author workshop.(工作坊,在此指一門討論特定主題的課題) DH bloody(用以形容這個主題很令人興奮) Lawrence.
A orkshop” is a class or seminar on a particular topic. loody” is a British adjective which expresses emotion such as anger or excitement.

At first all my work here was trivial(微不足道的), but a new assignment(任務) came up….I can really tell you any details.
If something is rivial,” it is unimportant or of little value.
An ssignment” is a particular job or task that needs to be done.

Top secret? Black bag? Black ops?(三個措詞皆指「機密的工作」)
Expressions for a very secret job or assignment.

A human girl? Homosapian(人類,科學界用的詞彙)? A biped(兩足動物)?
omosapian” is a very scientific term for a human being, and a iped” is any animal with two feet.

Contrary to all probabilities, she finds me attractive on a number of different levels.(雖然似乎極不可能,但是她十分喜歡我)
lthough it seems impossible, she likes me in many different ways.”

That wonderful. :: There no accounting for taste(人的喜好、品味是說不準的,其他人很難明白。), is there?
An interesting expression which means that one can never really know what people will and will not like.

The job is fine. I have enough money. :: It all seems to add up(一切都還不錯).
In this case, t all seems to add up” is a way of saying that when everything is viewed together, it all makes sense.

I lost track of time(忘了時間) at work.
A common way saying you no longer have any idea what time it is.

I didn have time to wrap(包裝) it. Happy birthday.
o wrap” a present is to cover it in paper or other protective material.

Alicia, does our relationship warrant(保證) long-term commitment(永久的保證)?
I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable(可以證實的), empirical(實驗的、可驗證的) data.
o warrant” something is to deserve or merit it. A ong-term commitment” between two people is the decision to stay together as a couple for a long or indefinite period. If something is erifiable,” it can be shown to be true, and mpirical data” is data or information that can be tested or observed through scientific means.

Give me a moment to redefine my girlish(小女孩的) notions(觀念) of romance.
In this context, irlish” means young and inexperienced.
A person otions” are general ideas or beliefs.

All the data indicate(指出) the universe is infinite(無限的).
o indicate” something is to suggest or reveal it. If something
is nfinite,” it goes on forever and has no end.

Alicia discovers that John is a very sick and troubled man,
but sets out to do whatever she can to help him.

The drop been compromised(陷入危險中). Get down!
If a secret plan has been ompromised,” it has been put in danger because other people have found out about it.

Every time a car backfires(逆火而產生巨大聲響) or a door slams(大聲關上)….
If a car ackfires,” it makes a sudden and loud noise from the fuel tank. If you lam” a door, you shut it with great force or violence.

Wee closing in on(就快找到) the bomb, in large part due to(由於) your work.
o close in on” something is to get closer to finding exactly
where it is. ue to” is another way of saying thanks to.

William, my circumstance(狀況) has changed.
Another word for situation, but usually it is used in the plural
(y circumstances have changed since I saw you last”).

I told you attachments(在此指情感上的牽繫) were dangerous. You chose to marry the girl.
In this case, an ttachment” is an emotional attraction or bonding with another person.

I saw you on the slate(演說的名單) and I thought to myself ow can I
miss seeing a great lecture(演說) by the inimitable(獨特的、無與倫比的) John Nash?”
A late” is a list of people who are due to perform or speak. A ecture” is a speech usually given before a class in order to teach or instruct. nimitable” is an excellent adjective meaning unique or beyond comparison.

Sometimes our expectations are betrayed(被否決) by the numbers… variables(變數) are impossible to assign(設定) any rational value.
If your expectations are etrayed,” they are disappointed or denied.
A ariable” is a number than can vary or change, depending on other factors. o assign” a value to something is to officially give it a value.

Let avoid a scene(爭吵、衝突或其他引人注目之事), shall we?
 scene” is usually a loud and angry argument that is awkward or embarrassing if other people see it.

I a psychiatrist(心理醫生). :: Forgive me if I don seem persuaded(被說服).
A sychiatrist” is a medical doctor who also treats people with mental or psychological problems. o persuade” a person is to convince them.

I like you to come with me, just for a chat(聊天).
A hat” is a short, casual or informal conversation.

Thorazine (一種鎮定劑) takes a little while to wear off(失去藥效).
horazine” is a drug that is used to stop pain, but it can also make you tired. When a drug ears off,” it grows weaker in effect until it no longer is present or effects the body.

Sorry about the restraints(繩索綑綁). You got one hell of a right hook(很有力氣的右拳).
A estraint” is a rope or strap which is placed around a person to prevent them from moving. In this context, ell of a” is a slangy expression that means very powerful. Here, a ight hook” is the act of punching like a boxer, in this case with the right fist.

The prodigal(家境富裕的) roommate revealed(現身).
A rodigal” person is spoiled with wealth and material objects. If something is evealed,” it is shown to others.

I being held against my will! (我在非自願的情況下被責任、職務綁住,無法離開。)
If a person is eld against their will,” they are being physically prevented from leaving even though they want to.

John has schizophrenia. People with this disorder (疾病) are often paranoid(患妄想症的).
A isorder” is another word for a disease or medical condition.
If a person is aranoid,” they are convinced other people are trying to kill or harm them.

He deals with conspiracies(陰謀事件)…
A onspiracy” is a crime that is committed by two or more people who are working secretly together.

As such, his illness (疾病) may have gone untreated for longer than is typical.
Another word for disease.

Possibly since graduate school(研究所). At least that when his hallucinations (幻覺) seem to have begun.
raduate school” is for older students who wish to study for advanced degrees such as a Ph.D. A allucination” is a fantasy in the mind that people mistakenly think is real, often caused by certain drugs.

Which is more likely? Your husband, a mathematician with no military training, is fleeing (由k脫) the Russians, or that he has lost his grip on reality(失去辨別真實與幻覺的能力)?
o flee” is to run away from someone who is chasing you. If you ose your grip on reality,” you are no longer able to tell what is real from what is fantasy.

John always been a little weird(奇怪). He said he was doing code-breaking.
An excellent word meaning strange, odd, or bizarre.

Lately, he became so much more agitated(心煩意亂的)…
If a person is gitated,” they are disturbed, easily angered or upset.

I realize that my inability to discuss the situation with you must have appeared insane(瘋了,精神不正常)…
A very common word for crazy.

There may be microphones(竊聽器)…
A device for sending sound through the air, or in this case, a tiny device used to spy on others by secretly listening to what is being said.

It breaking with protocol(條約、議定書), but you need to know.
rotocol” is a code of correct or appropriate behavior for particular situations or institutions, in this case, for government workers (To break with protocol is to act in a way that considered inappropriate).

There a threat that exists of catastrophic proportions(會導致嚴重災難).
If there is a threat f catastrophic proportions,” it could cause a catastrophe, or a total disaster with unthinkable death and destruction.

I think the Russians feel that my profile (聲譽) is too high; That why they just don do away with(殺掉) me.
In this case, a person rofile” is their fame or recognition in the general public. o do away with” a person is to eliminate, get rid of, or even kill them.

Dr Rosen, code red(緊急《醫院裡用以通知醫生處理病人緊急狀況用語》), observation room 2.
In this case, a way of identifying an emergency situation to workers in the hospital where John is staying.

Administering(注射) insulin(一種用來控制血糖的赫爾蒙).
o administer” a drug is to inject it into the patient body. nsulin” is a hormone that controls blood sugar.

John accepts he is sick, and decides to attack it with reason.
John Nash接受了自己患有幻想症的事實,開始對抗病症。

John always spoke so fondly (說…..的好話;開心地提起…) of being here at Princeton.
o speak fondly” of a person or place is to speak about them with great affection or warmth.

So Alicia, how are you holding up(對抗困境) ?
If a person is olding up” well in a difficult situation, they are surviving or continuing to do ok.

The delusions(幻覺) have passedith medication and a low-stress environment…
A elusion” is a psychotic belief about something that is not true
in reality (A person may have a delusion that they are Jesus).

Often what I feel is obligation, or guilt over wanting to leave. Rage (憤怒) against John, against God.
age” is extreme or violent anger.

He transformed (轉換成….) into someone I love.
o transform” is to change from one thing or type to another.

There no point in being nuts (瘋了,精神不正常) if you can have a little fun.
If a person is uts,” they are crazy. Colloquial and common.

Squeamish? (神經質的)
An excellent word to describe a person who is easily made nervous
or sick by the sight of such things as blood, needles, snakes, etc…

Alas(唉), I stuck with me.
An interesting and old word that is used to express sadness or concern.

I trying to solve the Reimann hypothesis(假設).
An important word in science for an educated guess or theory.

I figured (想) if I dazzled (令人驚嘆、印象深刻) them, they would have to reinstate (讓_職) me.
o figure” is a common way of saying to think, and o dazzle” a person is to totally impress them with some amazing talent.
To reinstate” an employee is to put them back in their job or position after they had been fired.

It difficult with the medications (藥物) because it hard to see the solutions.
Another word for medicine or drugs.

You should go easy(放輕鬆). There are other things besides work.
ou should try to relax.”

I can get three hours of overtime(超時工作).
Hours that are paid better than normal because they are more than the usual 40 hours that most people are expected to work each week.

The bomb is in its final position here in the US….knowing your situation requires you keep a low profile(保持低調), Mohammed.
If a person eeps a low profile,” they stay quiet and don do anything that will bring attention to themselves.

Wee narrowed the bomb location to somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard(東部靠大西洋的各州), but we haven been able to pinpoint (確切指出) its exact position(位置).
he Eastern Seaboard” refers to US states on the Atlantic ocean.
o pinpoint” something is to locate it with great accuracy or precision. In this case, osition” is another word for location.

Rosen, that quack(庸醫)! Schizophrenic break from reality(無法辨定真實或虛幻), right?
A uack” is a person who pretends to be a doctor or scientist but in fact knows little and says a lot of nonsense. If a person has a reak from reality,” they temporarily can understand what is real and what is not.

Psychological bullshit (胡說八道,《在此為粗魯的用法》)!
A crude but excellent and widely used word that means lies, half-truths or more generally, nonsense.

Do you think we list our personnel(工作人員)?
The people who work for a particular business or organization .

John, I sorry you had to go through(經歷《某些不愉快的事》) all of this.
o go through” something is to experience it over time (Usually it something that was very difficult).

I can restore(回復) your status(職務) at Wheeler.
o restore” something is to make it exactly like it was before.
In this case, a person tatus” is their official title or position.

I just gonna grab (很快地抓回) the laundry. :: Il draw(放洗澡水) his bath.
o grab” something is to quickly or forcefully take it. o draw”
a bath is a very old-fashioned way of saying to fill it with water.

He been injected with a cloaking serum. (他被注射一種隱形藥劑) I can see him because of a chemical that was released into my bloodstream when my implant (被植入體內的物體) dissolved(消失).
o inject” a medicine is to place it into the body with a needle.
o cloak” is to hide, and a erum” is a medicine or drug, but a loaking serum” probably does not really exist! An mplant” is something placed or hidden in a body, and if something issolves,” it disappears or crumbles into tiny parts.

You take care of (處理掉,指殺掉) her, you pathetic(可悲的) piece of shit(垃圾,罵人的粗俗用語)….or Il take care of you!
athetic” is a powerful adjective meaning so bad it pitiful.
A iece of shit” is, of course, a very insulting way to refer to a person
(Note here that l take care of you” is a threat to hurt or kill).

Charles and Marcee cannot coexist (共存) with Alicia.
If two people oexist,” they live in the same general time and place.

Wel need to start you on a higher run( 更強的藥劑量) of insulin shocks and new medication.
A way of saying a stronger or more intense quantity or dose.

Schizophrenia is degenerative(會越來越惡化). Some days may be symptom-free, but over time youe getting worse.
If a disease is egenerative,” it get worse over time.

You can come up with (創造出,想出) a formula (公式) to change the way you experience the world.
o come up with” something is to create or think of it.
A ormula” is a rule or principle used in math (a = b+c).

You can reason (以理說明) your way out of this.
o reason” is to use logic, in this case to escape the problem.

I can work it out (解決問題). All I need is time.
o work out” a problem is to solve it.

He has commitment papers (同意書) for me to sign.
In this case, a legal document that a wife signs which allows a judge
to commit or force a mentally ill person into a mental hospital.

Give me some time and I will try to figure this out (想清楚).
o figure out” a problem is to solve it.

I need to believe something extraordinary (不尋常) is possible.
A powerful adjective meaning well beyond the usual or normal
(It often implies extremely talented, powerful or amazing).

John and Alicia return to life at Princeton.
John Nash和妻子回到普林斯敦大學定居

My savior complex (救世主症候) takes on a completely different form.
A psychological term for a person who is convinced that they are obligated to save the world, or at least various people in it (A savior is a person who saves others, and a complex is a psychological term for a person who has illusions of their own importance or role in society).

Tell him your work is critical(重要的)!
A good word for extremely important.

Is there any chance you could ignore what I just did? :: Of course, what are old friends for(老朋友是做什麼的?)?
A good little expression that you say when a friend asks if you could possibly do a well appreciated favor.

Alicia and I think that fitting in(融入某環境), being part of a community, might do me some good.
o fit” into a community is to live in it and be an accepted part of it.

Familiar places, familiar people,…. might elbow out (趕走) these certain delusions (幻覺) that I have.
o elbow out” something is to force it out because it doesn fit. A elusion” is a fantasy or belief in a person mind, but it not real.

I was wondering if I could hang around. (四處走走、晃晃)
o hang around” is a very common phrasal verb which means
to pass time in a specific place, often doing nothing in particular.

This guy tries to wander (閒晃) into the library but he doesn have I.D. (身分證、識別證):: Why can people read their memos(備忘字條)?
o wander” is to move from one place to another, without any aim
or direction. .D.” is short for identification (such as a driver license). A emo” is a short note that is often passed to many people.

Is this what you are, soldier, some useless ghoul(食屍鬼)? The local madman(瘋子)?
A houl” is a legendary monster that feeds on dead people in their graves. A adman” is a crazy person.

Youe gonna end up in a cell(監獄). Old, useless, discarded(被遺棄、遺忘).
In this case, a ell” is a prison or jail cell. If something is iscarded,” it is thrown away and forgotten.

And while you rock (在搖椅上前後搖動) and drool (流口水), the world will burn to ashes(灰燼) !
In this case, o rock” is to move a rocking chair back and forth.
o drool” is to let saliva or spit run out of your mouth. shes” are the material that left after something has been destroyed in a fire.

You know that stress triggers (導致) the delusions.
o trigger” something is to cause it to start up.

I was wondering if I might audit (旁聽) your course. :: It an honor (榮幸) Professor Nash.
o audit” a class is to attend it for the educational value, even though you are not officially enrolled in it. If something is an onor,” it is a privilege or a feeling that causes great pride.

Youe just humiliating yourself(讓自己難堪;羞辱自己)! It pathetic(可悲的)!
If you umiliate yourself,” you do something that is completely embarrassing in front of other people. athetic” is a powerful adjective meaning so bad it pitiful.

It only appears to work sporadically(時而時無的), so, no.
If something works poradically,” it only works on occasion or inconsistently.

Ie been developing a theory...to come up with (創造、想出) something totally original, the way you did.
o come up with” something is to think of it or create it.

...and so on and so forth(等等), until the two bikes collided (衝撞) and the poor little fly is squashed(壓扁).
o on and so forth” is a way of saying things continued the way they were going before. o collide” is a violent verb that is used when two things hit or run into each other, usually by accident. If a fly is quashed,” it is completely crushed.

This is the important thing about actually focusing (專注) and comprehending (理解) the area that youe dealing with.
o focus” on something is to concentrate on it.
o comprehend” something is to understand it.

A classroom with 50 students can be daunting (令人害怕的) for anyone.
If a job is aunting,” it is so difficult that it is intimidating or scary.

John, youe a terrible teacher. :: I an acquired taste(需要一段時間才能令人適應或喜歡的食物或人), Martin.
An excellent expression to describe wine or food or people that are difficult to like at first, but which become more enjoyable with the passing of time and experience.

Ie gotten used to ignoring them and as a result I think theye kind of given up on me(放棄我).
If you ive up on” a person, you decided that they are hopeless and no longer worth your time or effort.

Theye my past, Martin. Everybody is haunted by their past(為過去不愉快之事所纏繞).
If a person is aunted by their past,” they are deeply troubled or disturbed by something terrible that happened to them.

Il ring (打電話給某人) her.
o ring” a person is to telephone them.

The world gives John its highest recognition.
世界頒予John Nash最高榮耀。

My name is Thomas King and I here to tell you that youe being considered for the Nobel Prize(諾貝爾獎).
The most prestigious award in the world, given yearly for work in such areas as math, economics and literature.

Over the past few years, your equilibrium (平衡論點,John Nash的重要研究論點) has become the cornerstone (基石) of modern economics.
quilibrium” is a scientific term for balance and a key concept in
Nash work. If a theory is the ornerstone” of a science or organization, it serves as the foundation or most important part.

Most commercially available brands of tea are not suitable (適合) to my palate(味覺).
uitable” means appropriate or correct.
A person alate” is their sense of taste.

That is generally the case, but these are special circumstances(特殊狀況).
If a situation has pecial circumstances,” there are factors that make it extremely unusual or different than normal.

The rewards are substantial(很重要,很有價值的). They require private funding.
Another word for serious or important, or in this case, valuable.

You came here to find out if...I would screw everything up (把事情搞砸) if I actually won.
o screw up” something is to do it badly, or even destroy it,
or in this case, to cause great embarrassment for all involved.

Dance around the podium(講台), strip naked (脫光衣服) and dance like a chicken? Things of this nature? (即Things like this,這類的事)
The odium” is a piece of furniture behind which a person giving
a speech stands. If you trip naked,” you take off all your clothes.
f this nature” is a way of saying ike this.”

I still see things that are not here. I just choose to not acknowledge (將 ….當真) them.
o acknowledge” someone is to recognize them as true or valid.

Like a diet of the mind, I choose not to indulge (放縱) certain appetites.
o indulge” an appetite is to eat as much as one likes, even if it is not good for them. In general, to indulge in something is to do it even if it is very expensive or unhealthy.

Like my appetite for patterns(固定模式).
In nature, a model or sample of physical traits or characteristics that occur over and over (For example, blue and red stripes on a dress).

It a privilege(特權,榮耀), Professor.
A word for a right that is given, or more specifically here, an honor.

Ie believed in numbers, in the equations (數學的等式) and logic (邏輯) that lead to reason.
In math, an quation” is formal statement, such 3+2=5. ogic” is the use of formal principles and reasoning (f A is bigger than B and B is bigger than C, than A is bigger than C”). In this case, eason” is the act of thinking in a logical way.

After a lifetime of such pursuits...(追求)
A ursuit” is a an activity that one engages in, or more generally, a goal or endeavor.

My quest (追求、探索) has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical (精神上的), the delusional and back.
A person uest” is their journey, or act of searching for something important, such as the truth. If something is etaphysical,” it is beyond the physical world and associated with the spiritual world.

I have a car outside; Interested in a ride(搭乘,坐一趟車)?
A key word; the act of transporting a person in a car.

Nash theories have influenced global trade negotiations, national labor relations and even breakthroughs(突破) in evolutionary biology(演化生物學).
A reakthrough” in science is a major advance or discovery. volutionary biology” is the study of how animal and plant species develop over long periods of time.

A Beautiful Mind

Possible Topics for ESL Class Discussion

1) Do madness and genius appear often together?

2) Would John Nash not have been a genius without the schizophrenia?

3) Do you know anybody who has suffered from schizophrenia?
How has it compared to what John experienced?

4) In what ways were John life and modern history related?

5) Should the state have the right to force schizophrenics
into mental institutions in order to give them treatment?

6) How are the mentally ill treated in your culture?

7) Ultimately, was this film optimistic?

8) What did you like and not like about it?