2008年10月11日 星期六

中英對照 新聞台

《中英對照讀新聞》Microsoft : Bad things happen to firms that use unlicensed Windows 微軟:使用未授權Windows的公司會遭殃
Microsoft : Bad things happen to firms that use unlicensed Windows
Companies that rely on unlicensed copies of Windows are more likely to experience system failures and lose customer data, Microsoft Corp. said today, citing a company-sponsored report.
According to the research, which was conducted by the Harrison Group Inc. but paid for by Microsoft, midsize companies -- those with more than 24 PCs and fewer than 500 -- were 43% more likely to have had a critical system failure lasting more than 24 hours if they used unlicensed Windows.
Those businesses were also 28% more likely to lose customer data and 73% more likely to lose their own data than companies exclusively using licensed copies of Microsoft’s software.
The Harrison Group reached those conclusions after interviewing IT professionals and business people at nearly 1,600 companies in the U.S., the U.K., China and Brazil.
Microsoft used the report to defend Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), its antipiracy program that at times has come under fire from users.
微軟利用這項報告,為它的反盜版軟體Windows Genuine Advantage(WGA)辯護,該軟體時而遭到使用者抨擊。
新聞辭典 Dictionary
exclusively:副詞,獨佔地;排外地。例句:This room is exclusively for women.(這房間只對女士開放。)
at times:片語,偶爾。例句:Everyone may make mistakes at times. (每個人偶爾都會犯錯誤。)
under fire:片語,受到攻擊。例句:The mayor came under fire for being involved in a case of corruption.(這名市長因涉及一宗貪瀆案而遭受抨擊。)